Welcome. Success Starts Here!

Getting Started

Success starts with knowing what you want.  At SavingsHighway,com, we know exactly what we want. We want to empower people to become debt free and help others. Specifically, our first goal is to help 1 Million families to become debt free through a unique business model.  Because we know what we want, people who are in line with that mission join us.

What is it that you want?  You must know what you want if you are to start on the path to achieving it. 

1. Write down your goal with respect to SavingsHighway and why you want to achieve it. 
2. Visualize it in your mind and give thanks as if it has already been accomplished.
3. Start on the Proven Success Formula. Do not miss any steps. This is vital for success.

Setting up your Affiliate Account

In order for you to earn commissions and for SavingsHighway.com to pay you, you will need to:

1. Set up your profile in your Members Area
2. Choose your payout preferences in your Members Area
3. Print, sign and send in your Independent Representative Agreement.

This can be done in your Members Area. Log in at www.savingshighway.com/members/_area. Scroll down and click on the “Getting Started” tab. Please do this right away, We cannot pay you or deliver all of your benefits until this has been done.

Members Area